The Most Advanced Open Source Maps Plugin For WordPress

Display beautiful, responsive maps powered by Leaflet – the most popular open-source JS library. OpenStreetMaps, MapBox, MapQuest & Bing maps integrated.


No More Map Charges

Open Street Maps

Maps created with are absolutely free to use under an open license.

MapBox Maps

Create maps with MapBox – the most powerful platform that Leaflet recommends.

Bing Maps

Create beautiful interactive maps with Bing Maps API – powered by Microsoft.


The Most Advanced Open Source Maps Plugin For WP

Display beautiful, responsive maps powered by Leaflet – the most popular open-source JS library. Openstreetmaps, MapBox, MapQuest & Bing maps integrated.

Looking for WordPress Hosting?

We recommend WP Bolt for High Performance WordPress VPS Hosting, where you get your own managed VPS from Vultr.



It’s extremely affordable, and has all the power you need for your WordPress site.


What People Are Saying

They made some of the best maps I’ve ever seen, in my opinion. Their gorgeous and very dynamic maps made the purchase price worthwhile.
Latasha S. Freeman

I run a membership site using ProductPress, and the ability to integrate maps using WP Leaflet is a game changer.

Theresa M. Nunez

It was a blast working with their team. They have a team of talented individuals working together that have consistently come up with fresh concepts for making maps.
Sara R. Rubio

Their maps are extremely user-friendly and interactive, making them simpler for users to navigate.
William M. Thomas


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